2015 was the year that hit Kids University the hardest. With the help of Lora Obert-Thorn and her kids, Caity King and her grandmother, Madge, Terry was able to keep things moving well during the Spring Session.
Terry's health issues were magnified with March thyroid surgery that caused him to have to scale back and my breast cancer journey kept me away from KU for over nine months. We came back in late Fall to our kids with the strategy that we could best serve them by concentrating our efforts on those students whose mothers were involved in the mother's class led by one of the KU moms, Kim Beard.
Many of these children have been with us the entire five years and we felt that their academic, social, spiritual and physical needs were where we needed to focus.
Elisha started as a 3 yr old |
Mercedes loves cooking and has a special gift for Bible memory |
P J wants to take a step up and become a leader. |
You'll notice that our students love the fruit smoothies they make!!!!
Some of our students have graduated to the Jr Hi /High Youth Group which meets at the same time. Arissa Honore, our first and most consistent attender these past five years and Tiara Watkins joined LPCF's middle school / high school students who meet at the same time as KU.
Arissa and Campbell on that very first day of summer KU June 2012. |
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Tiara started with us at age 8 and now sings on the Praise Team at LPCF |
Always wanting the students to experience the beautiful property that we get to enjoy, Terry with the help of Jimmy Clanton and Eric Miller constructed a Teepee on the property last Fall
Before it was toppled it -- the kids were able to experience what life might have been life on this very property some 200 years ago.
Our activities have a Bibilical application in an effort to help the Kids learn that all of life is about God and enjoying His world. We believe that where we are located helps us to maximize that concept on these 48 acres.
Encourage one another -- a Teamwork Activity -- using our most positive communication with each other to build a structure using all the PVC pieces.
The students weren't quite sure where to start |
Christiana consistently kept them working |
Complete! Now what is it? They quickly converted a PVC pipe to a limbo bar and a game was in process! |
Christ love compels / controls us: The forward thrust in our lives is like the power of Jesus love in us -- we took water bottles -- attached popcycle sticks for stabilizers (and the kids had to decide what stabilized our lives) -- poured vinegar and a sleeve of baking powder we dropped in. Cork it -- shake it and blast off! We played with our rockets for the longest time!!!
Our Rocket Launchers - we followed it up with ICE CREAM TREATS! |
TRUSTWORTHINESS, RESPECT, HARD WORK AND SERVICE are the four core values that this summer session is revolving around.
Our key verse is Col. 3:23 -- Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord.
Our kids are learning to sew on a machine and make a quilt for the homeless in our area. Guys and girls alike want to try their hand at stitching.
Lora Obert-Thorn has been an integral part with KU for the past four years. We were thrilled that this last week she was joined by her husband, Keith,who partneredbwith Terry in giving guidance and support for the young guys in helping them set goals and grow into Godly manhood.
After a rousing game of indoor volleyball (sitting on your pockets - using only your feet) - they led the guys in discussion about becoming leaders and taking a step up.
FOOD PREP is always a hit -- filling tummies with something cool and refreshing in this heat is important. The guys love to get in on helping just as much as the girls.