The purpose of the Kids University (KU) is to help children in our community learn the aspects of good nutrition, strengthen academic skills, and to foster teamwork as they work together developing a student garden.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

A KU Summer . . .

 Our theme has been critters and plants in God's creation.

We became explorers and searched for all the creepy crawlies we could find - then looked for tracks of bigger critters
that make their way to our property.

Outdoor fun!!!  Thanks Isaiah for being a great sport!

Thai Basil
 We've been blessed with showers and gentle rains which has helped our KU Gardens tremendously.  Special thanks to Eric Miller for his countless hours watering when the rains haven't come and to Kayla and Lora Obert-Thorn and her children for all the help in clearing, weed-pulling and watering they have done.  We're excited about what's growing!!!

We remember the summer of 2012 and the tiny handful of dried up veggies we harvested!!!
More squash!

Beans in the background

Peppers under the netting
Corn - -- just enough to taste!

hotdogs and sampling our squash and watermelon for the 4th

Enjoying the harvest and anticipating great pumpkins and watermelons
We are meeting on Thursdays from 10-12 to enjoy outside activities and sample 
 some of the yummy vegetables that have been growing in the gardens.